Monday, July 23, 2007

Experienced during your the prelims

Well..if you ask me about my experienced during prelim...i have a lot of vecant time to study my lessons..and i don't have a problem in prelim..I have a time and space for my self..And i'm not so presure about my study..I don't expect that I'm going to have a lot of friends and a vary hospiteble classmate...and my teacher are so good to me..even if sometimes i'm not good to them...there are relly go teacher....I hope that in midterms i have also this kind of experience that i don't having a hard time...I also hope that i can learn more about computer programing and more about computer!!!!! i i'm learning on prilem!!...I think that's all i can say about my experience aduring prelim...and thats all i can say about my blog!!!....~_*
Hi!..this is my blog I name my title sa your love...Do want to know why?.....
Its because I want every one to know how great the love of God to me and to my Family!!!!...
the love of God that no one could ever replace!!!...He give me a great life that no one could ever ask for!!!he gave me family even though not perfect but they are real and redy to sport me in every thing that i do!!!!God give me everything that i need...And most of all He is the Rock of my Salvation....and He is my light when my past turns dark..He is my guide when I'm lost...
and He's my God my Father and my Friend...when i need Him!!!!.that's the Love of God for me and you!!!!~

Well all i can say about my prelim here in UIC is that i don't expect thet i'm going to have a lot hard time for my subject!!!!...but no so hard just a littelbit...Me an my friends having a lot of time a vacant time for us to talk and review a littel bit about our lessons... we hope that until midterm we are still not so presure about our lessons...And i hope that we can learn more about computer progrsming and a lot about computer...This is my blog all about....~_*