Monday, July 23, 2007

Experienced during your the prelims

Well..if you ask me about my experienced during prelim...i have a lot of vecant time to study my lessons..and i don't have a problem in prelim..I have a time and space for my self..And i'm not so presure about my study..I don't expect that I'm going to have a lot of friends and a vary hospiteble classmate...and my teacher are so good to me..even if sometimes i'm not good to them...there are relly go teacher....I hope that in midterms i have also this kind of experience that i don't having a hard time...I also hope that i can learn more about computer programing and more about computer!!!!! i i'm learning on prilem!!...I think that's all i can say about my experience aduring prelim...and thats all i can say about my blog!!!....~_*

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